Sunday, February 26, 2012

Farewell to Nikka

"Those are never lonely who love the snow and the pines; never lonely when the pines are wearing white shawls and snow crunches coldly underfoot. " 

- Tom Whitecloud, Blue Winds Dancing

CH Yahtaris Melody of My Neona - Nikka
11/3/01 - 2/26/12

Tonight, a thousand memories of Nikka flood my mind.  

When we let her go this evening, what I remember so clearly are the snowflakes.  How perfectly, how softly, they fell on her coat.  On my coat.  On the roof of the car.  On my mom's hat.  The sky opened and gave us diamonds...what a perfect welcome for our Princess.

Nikka forever changed our lives, forever changed Yahtaris.  I would do it all over again, just the same, every moment was worth it.


  1. "I would do it all over again . . . every moment was worth it." In the midst of pain, the instinct is to retreat, shelter our hearts from future breaks. But a scar-less heart cannot comprehend the heights and depths of love. When I think about you and Jon during this past season of loss, the temptation is toward pity and sorrow. How could it be that two hearts must bear loss upon loss? Your words reminded me that in order to experience loss, you must have first experienced love. Instead of pity and sorrow, I am celebrating the loves that created the loss.

  2. I am so lucky to have you for a friend, Laura. xoxo
